Saturday, 30 January 2010


At last it is finished and is in the post. So here are the last photos.

A close up of a section.

some of the embroidery

my three layered .... thingie gg

Some embroidery and beading

The Art Board

Ta-de-la! here is the finished hanging

Now what am I going to have to post about?gggg

Spread your Wings and Soar


Saturday, 23 January 2010

Still Working!

I am still working hard to try and catch up with my textile art project for the Maharajaha's Garden. I have done the shibori shaped and dyeing and some of the embroidery on the base piece, I finished the weaving last night, as I haven't been able to sit or stand long enough to do any, and most of that has been done in the last couple of days. I then dyed it flat and then pulled up all my shibori lines and steamed it, didn't get to bed until 12.30 this morning. Now I have attached the weaving to the back piece and there is still more embroidery and beading to be done. It needs to be in the post by the 29th at the very latest!!!!!

I'll add a few photos of the process. Hope I'm not boring anyone ggg

The silk all tied up for shibori dyeing

While dyeing

After dyeing and untieing

Some threads and braids pinned down ready for couching

The woven piece all pulled up after shibori shaping and dyeing.

Woven piece all stitched down

close up of weaving

Some embellishment done with the hand felting tool

Spread your Wings and Soar


Tuesday, 5 January 2010

The Work Continues

The work on my exhibition piece is going rather slowly. I took a tumble at the weekend, ending up flat on my bum. I felt everything concertina and now have a very sore back. I can’t sit at the computer for any length of time so this is being done in bits and pieces. I was so sore on Monday that my physio couldn’t get very close to me, so gave me some exercises and will see me first thing in the morning!

I have done a little sewing on the background of my piece, but I can’t manage the weaving. I’ll have to find a lower table to put my loom on, but I haven’t felt like doing much.

Before all this happened I found a great resource for embroidery stitches:

Sharon B's Dictionary of Stitches for Hand Embroidery and Needlework

She has every stitch that has ever been sewn I think. Between the site and my many books I think I have worked out the embroidery I want to use. But I must get going on the weaving I have only about 3” done.

While the piece is an actual work in progress the design is also changing somewhat as I go along. It is always exciting to see how the creation will turn out. It’s a bit like this post, I was going to talk about something completely different but I guess that can wait for another time.

I bought a pen style needle felting tool and am thinking of adding some embellishment with that. I have been playing with some of the shibori silk off cuts and some wool fibre and some silk fibre. I found a bit more resistance to some of the silk. Anyway it is interesting, I am wondering if there is much difference in the over all effect between the needle tool and an embellisher machine?

Spread your Wings and Soar
